Saturday, 26 March 2011

Missile Launch, a hotel room to put my phone in....

For the second part of the scene i was able to remove all of the trees and focus on the top of the volcano, this removed a large amount of the memory usage and allowed me to render this scene much faster than normal.

This is the island with trees as used in the first animation sequence:

And this is the island without them as used in the second part of the sequence:
Once all of the trees had been removed and the system then had some speed to it, i could bring in the missile and create the animation. I created a lava layer out of a cylinider cut in half and then mirrored, i had placed this slightly higher than the lava in the first sequence, but of a rookie mistake that one. A black tube was then affixed under the lava to give a black inner for the base and a guide for the rocket to be sized to a nd then animated launching out of it. Below is the final rendered sequence before any after effects have been added.

On a search through the 3DS Max tutorials i happened upon a very handy tutorial for a hotel room which is included here: Hotel Room. More on that next week.

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